Acidum Gallicum


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Acidum Gallicum

Product Description
Gallic acid is the well-known astringent, derivative of Tannic acid, obtained from galls or oak-apples. It is used in old-school practice as a local application to arrest haemorrhages.

1-10 drops under the tongue, 3 times a day or as directed by a health professional.

Mind-Wild delirium at night, very restless, jumps out of bed, sweats profusely.
Eyes.-Photophobia and burning itching of lids.
Nose.-Discharge thick and stringy.-Nose-bleed.
Mouth and Throat.-Gums sore l. side around decayed tooth.-Dryness of mouth, fauces, and throat; with bad taste in deep sleep and dreams at night.-Increased roughness and secretion of phlegm in throat.
Stomach and Abdomen.-Appetite lessened; with astringent taste in mouth at noon.-Slight nausea.-Stool later than usual leaving smarting, aching, faint, sick, hungry, and gnawing sensation in bowels, extending to stomach, with nausea lasting most of afternoon.-Gnawing, faint sick sensation in bowels and extending upward to stomach, with an astringent sensation in same.
Stool and Anus.-Sensation of contraction of anus, requiring a greater effort for expulsion at stool, which comes at length in bulk as if accumulated there.-Stool delayed.-Smarting, esp. in rectum.
Urinary Organs.-Urine increased.-Some red sediment. (Hay-asthma.)
Respiratory Organs and Chest.-Pain in r. lung, lessened on lying down 9 p.m., not so severe in morning; < by coughing, yawning and full inspiration.-(Cavity in l. apex; purulent expectoration.).-Some aching middle and upper part of lungs, more in l., extending through muscles of neck and r. shoulder and down upper part of spine, < moving and turning head, morning.
Limbs.-Jerking of limbs.
Skin.-Itching in various parts.-Urticaria.

Safety Information
Keep out of reach of children. If pregnant or breast-feeding, ask a health professional before use.


Liquid, Pellet


6x, 12x, 30x, 200x, 6c, 12c, 30c, 200c


25ml, 50ml, 100ml, 200ml, 500ml, 120, 300, 700, 1200