Orange Blossom Oil




Experience a burst of sunshine in each bottle of our Orange Blossom Fragrance Oil! The delightful aroma of these soft, white flowers fills the air in the springtime, a scent that has long been a staple in perfumery and beauty products worldwide. With a longstanding association with good fortune, let the lush scent of this orange blossom essential oil envelop you and shine in your homemade projects!

Soft citrus meets a touch of sweet floral tones, perfect for Asian-inspired projects

The fragrant flower of the orange tree boasts a significant place in human history. First cultivated in China in 2500 B.C., the Chinese were the first to start the wedding tradition of placing orange blossoms in wedding bouquets and crowns as a symbol for purity, virtue, and fertility. Orange blossoms are the state flower of Florida and the source of the beloved orange blossom honey. Beehives are strategically placed in orange groves as the blossoms begin to bloom, creating a floral-citrus honey that’s a delight for any tastebud!

All essential oil blends are for aromatherapy use only and are not for ingesting!