Sandalwood Rose Phantasy Oil




Awaken your senses with the subtle sensuality of sandalwood and rose. These two scents blend together to form an aroma that will soothe your mind and calm your spirit. Perfect for use when you need to unwind after a long day or are spending a rainy Sunday inside with your significant other.

Woodsy, Floral, Sultry and Sweet.

History of Sandalwood Rose
Rose has long been known for its romantic inclinations. These flowers were admired by rulers as far back as Ancient Greece and throughout history from Greek Mythology to Roman Gods have noted the feminine power of them. Sandalwood has been used for over 4,000 years and this Indian tree is coined sacred. The spiritual power of sandalwood has been incorporated in religious traditions in India and other eastern countries.

How to use Sandalwood Rose Fragrance Oil
This Sandalwood Rose Oil is perfect to mix with a carrier oil and rub on your wrists for a smooth, feminine scent. Do this while sipping your night time cup of tea before bed to unwind or before a date night. You can opt to incorporate in aromatherapy sprays, candles, perfumes and bath time. The creations are as endless as your imagination.