Symphytum Off


Symphytym Off, Comprey root

Product Description
Symphytum officinale, commonly known as comfrey, constitutes a traditional medicinal plant with a long-standing therapeutic history, and preparations thereof have been widely used for the treatment of painful muscle and joint complaints, wound and bone healing, and inflammation.

At the onset of symptoms, dissolve 5 pellets under the tongue 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved or as directed by a doctor.

Head.-Headache in occiput, in top of head, in forehead.
Eyes.-Pain in eyes after a knock or contusion of an opaque body.-After being struck upon eye with a cane by a child, no visible injury, but a sensation on closing eye as if upper lid passed over an elevation on bulb of eye; on waking eye could not be easily opened, seemed spasmodically closed.
Ears-Cannot hear well; feels as if ears were stopped up.-Inflamed ears.
Nose-Pain comes down bone of nose, and sometimes down both sides of nose
Face-Inflammation of inferior maxillary bone; hard, red swelling.
Stomach-Pains across epigastrium from one side to other, griping pain.
Stool and Anus- Dysentery.-Inflamed and bleeding piles.
Urinary Organs.-Stricture of urethra
Male Sexual Organs.-Testicles become painful and tender and prevent walking
Female Sexual Organs.-Menses stopped; headache, weight in forehead when she stoops; has it almost all time; a good deal of fever every other hour; cold all day, cramp and diarrhoea; nose sore inside alae, wants to pick it; wants to rub her eyes; inflamed ears; feels as if something were in them, stopped up, cannot hear well
Neck and Back.-Pain in back from a fall; from sexual excess.-Pott’s disease from fall.-Psoas abscess.-Much used among herbalists in caries of spinal and other bones
Limbs.-Seems to act specially on the joints, loss of power in the large joints, they seemed to get fixed, being particularly painful an turning in bed; and then followed great working in all the joints, esp. in feet, with prickings and shootings in toes of both feet
Lower Limbs- acute stitching pain in the place, felt when clothing touched part, or when knee was bent.
Generalities-Bruises, sprains; sore breasts.-Inflammation of bones; diseased spinous processes.-Psoas abscess.-Facilitates union of fractured bones and lessens peculiar pricking pain; favours production of callous.-Pricking, sticking, jagging pains

Safety Information
Keep out of the reach of children.
If pregnant or breastfeeding, ask a healthcare professional before use.


Liquid, Pellet


6x, 12x, 30x, 200x, 6c, 12c, 30c, 200c


25ml, 50ml, 100ml, 200ml, 500ml, 120, 300, 700, 1200