

SKU: N/A Category:

Product Description
Syphilinum is used for prostration and debility in the morning. Shifting rheumatic pains and chronic eruptions. Pains from darkness to daylight, decrease and increase gradually. Hereditary tendency to alcoholism and ulcers in mouth, nose, genitals, skin.

Use under medical supervision.

Improves the loss of memory and makes you remember everything before illness
Release the body from the apathic feeling or of being paralyzed
Reduces the fears that come along especially during the night suffering from exhaustion on awakening
Controls the condition where a group of skin disorders characterised by dry, scaly or thickened skin is affecting the skin

Safety Information
Read the label carefully before use
Avoid eating tobacco or drinking alcohol during the course
Keep out of the reach of children
Use under medical supervision
Avoid any strong smell in the mouth such as coffee, onion, hing, mint, camphor, garlic etc while taking the medicine
Keep at least half an hour gap between food/drink/ any other medicines and allopathic medicine

mental health support


Liquid, Pellet


15c, 30c, 200c