Baryta Iodata


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Barium Iodine

Product Description
Baryta Iodatum is a compound made with Barium and Iodine, Baryta Iodata acts on various glands present in the body having deep pathological conditions. The main action of this remedy is to stop the development to grow tumors and improve a highly damaged immune system.

Use as directed by the physician.

Increases the strength of the mind and reduces the confusion and increase concentration
Balances the mood swings, anger, depression and introvert nature
Headache in morning which is better when in open surroundings and becomes worse from any noise or tying of hair
Controls the increased white cell count, Mononucleosis
Excellent remedy for complications arising from tonsillitis, where the tonsils and surrounding areas are filled with pus and are very painful with tonsils and breasts are swollen and hard
Acts positively when used with children who are malnourished, who does not grow as they should, who catches a cold very easily and has swollen and hard glands
Controls and balances the thyroid which is affected greatly, showing hyperthyroidism with shaking and trembling, and eye balls are protruded out

Safety Information
Read the label carefully before use
Avoid eating tobacco or drinking alcohol during the course
Keep out of the reach of children
Use under medical supervision
Avoid any strong smell in the mouth such as coffee, onion, hing, mint, camphor, garlic, etc. while taking the medicine
Keep at least half an hour gap between food/drink/ any other medicines and allopathic medicine


Liquid, Pellet


6c, 12c, 30c, 200c


25ml, 50ml, 100ml, 200ml, 500ml, 120, 300, 700, 1200